The PPE Certificate requires SIX courses. The Gateway (PS 331) is taken early on, though you are welcome to take some electives first. The Capstone (PS 449) is a SENIOR level course, to be taken in your fourth year.
The other four courses are electives. You take two courses in one discipline (your “concentration” in the Certificate) and one in each of the others. For example, if you concentrate in Philosophy, you would take the Gateway, two Philosophy courses, one Economics course, and one Political Science class. If you concentrate in Economics, then you would take two Economics courses, and one in each Philosophy and Political Science, and so on.
Every semester we list the courses that are available for credit as PPE Electives for the coming semester.
Here are those required courses for Fall 2025.
- (The Gateway Class will not be offered, as we start the new “Constellation” sequence)
- Capstone Course (Econ 386 | Phil 465 | Poli Sci 449) listed as “PPE Capstone”
Economic Principles | ECON 101D
Statistical Foundations of Econometrics and Data Science | ECON 104D
Introduction to Political Economy | ECON 119
Intermediate Microeconomics I | ECON 201D
Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECON 210D
Shakespeare & Financial Markets: Why This Time is Never Different | ECON 255S
Intermediate Microeconomics II | ECON 301D
Argument Across the Disciplines | ECON 315S
History of Economic Thought | ECON 311
Argument Across the Disciplines | ECON 315S
Social Inequalities and Low-Wage Work | ECON 337S
Economics of the Public Sector | ECON 338
Gender in the Economy | ECON 348
The Economic and Political Performance of Civilizations | ECON 351S
Discovering Game Theory: Social Complexity/Strategic Interdependence | ECON 362
The Economics of Entrepreneurship | ECON 375
Global Inequality Research | ECON 436
Development Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy | ECON 442
Equality of Opportunity: Theory, Evidence, and Policy | ECON 444
Economics of Global Health | ECON 446
Economic Growth | ECON 452
Economics of Gun Violence | ECON 458
Behavioral Economics | ECON 462
Market Power and Public Policy | ECON 465
Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 101
Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 103S
The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life | PHIL 120
Logic | PHIL 150
History of Modern Philosophy | PHIL 201
History of Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 203
Philosophy of Law | PHIL 206
Philosophy of Language | PHIL 209
Philosophy of Mind | PHIL 212
Exploring Science and Religion | PHIL 213
The Good Life: Religion, Philosophy, and Life's Ultimate Concerns | PHIL 214
Introduction to Ethical Theory | PHIL 217
Business Ethics: The Debate Over Corporate Social Responsibility | PHIL 270
Existentialism | PHIL 285S
Philosophy of Biology | PHIL 314
Moral Psychology | PHIL 335
Eastern & Western Conceptions of Human Nature, Ethics, & Politics | PHIL 463S
Political Science
From Voting to Protests: Introduction to Political Attitudes, Groups and Behaviors | POLSCI 114
Introduction to American Politics | POLSCI 116D
The Challenges of Living an Ethical Life | POLSCI 120
Introduction to Political Economy | POLSCI 145
Introduction to Political Philosophy | POLSCI 175
Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics | POLSCI 205
How to Think in an Age of Political Polarization | POLSCI 208
Discovering Game Theory: Social Complexity and Strategic Interdependence | POLSCI 217
The Holocaust | POLSCI 262
The Middle East Through Film | POLSCI 273
Illiberal Nondemocracies: Focus on Eastern Europe and Asia | POLSCI 301S
The Economic and Political Performance of Civilizations | POLSCI 327S
Statecraft and Strategy | POLSCI 328
Democracy and Social Choice | POLSCI 333S
Business, Politics, and Economic Growth | POLSCI 346
International Political Economy | POLSCI 350
U.S. Policy in the Middle East | POLSCI 352S
International Security | POLSCI 362
Environment and Conflict: The Role of the Environment in Conflict and Peacebuilding | POLSCI 367S
News as a Moral Battleground | POLSCI 375
Religion and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Iran | POLSCI 379S
Global Inequality Research | POLSCI 425
Chinese Media and Popular Culture: Politics, Ideology, and Social Change | POLSCI 435S
Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Prosperity and Distribution in the Long Run | POLSCI 468S